Dragonfly Week 2024

Dragonfly Week 2024


Date: Sat, 6th July 2024 - Sat, 13th July 2024
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Category: Public Event
Location: , , ,
Longitude/Latitude: 0 / 0
What3Words: https://w3w.co/wishes.feed.toys

Dragonfly Week 2024

Contact: Debbie Welham
Email: admin@purbecknaturalhistory.org.uk

We are looking for PNHF volunteers who are keen to help out with this event on one or more of the days. In case you are interested please contact Debbie at admin@purbecknaturalhistory.org.uk.

The activity: This is a joint-PNHF-British Dragonfly Society residency at RSPB Arne where volunteers engage informally with reserve visitors.

Weather permitting, volunteers will be talking about the reserve’s Dragonflies and pointing out individuals seen patrolling, perching and pairing. Volunteers might highlight diagnostic ID features, and outline the Odonata life cycle. Conservation issues and the importance of Dragonfly surveys and pond monitoring might feature too. Keen visitors might want to learn of the advantages of PNHF and BDS membership .

Our approach to public engagement is modelled on successful BDS residencies at WWT London Wetland Centre (2016-2018) and at Hengistbury Head (2019 and 2023).

Key information: The residency is split across two pitches: one near the main RSPB Welcome area, the other adjacent to Dragonfly Pond at Shipstal junction. This second pitch is a 17-minute walk from the Welcome area pitch and has no toilet facilities.

Please bring plenty of drinking water, snacks and lunch.  Also bring binoculars, suitable shoes and clothing, hat, sunscreen and waterproof jacket.

Lunch and other breaks to be mutually arranged on the day.

Dates: Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th, Wednesday 10th, Friday 12th and Saturday 13th July 2024.

Time: Each day comprises two sessions: morning (around 10:00 am – 1:30 pm) and afternoon (1:30 pm – around 5:00 pm). This includes preparation and packing-up time.

Please note: You do not need previous engagement experience to join in as guidance will be offered. Enthusiasm and friendliness are more important than ID skills!

We welcome help for a single session or a full day.

The Purbeck Natural History Forum works with a group of partners