Over 1000 saplings and whips growing!


The tree nurseries of Purbeck’s Precious Past Veteran Tree Project were started in 2021 soon after the beginning of the project and now contain over 1000 trees and hedge plants of the future.  They are all grown from seeds and cuttings harvested from local veteran and mature notable trees in the local Purbeck landscape. 

The seeds are stratified to aid germination.  This is a process designed to replicate the natural conditions a seed would be subjected to.  For example, hawthorn seeds are eaten by birds and mammals and are therefore subjected to stomach acids and all the rigours of travelling through the digestive system, separating the berries flesh from the seed.  The seed comes out with its own little parcel of fertiliser from the animal.  Once we have harvested hawthorn seeds we mash them in water to re-create this process.  They are then mixed with grit and compost in a plant pot and placed in a pest proof box to hopefully germinate.  

Having learnt a lot over the course of the project so far, the focus from now on is going to be on the less commercially available species, such as small leave lime, wych elm and guelder rose .  The whips grown will then not only have genetics of local provenance but will help increase biodiversity in local planting projects.

If you would like to find out more about different stratification methods, growing trees from seeds and cuttings and the variety of species in the local landscape or volunteer with the project, please get in contact through this link Purbeck’s Precious Past Veteran Tree Project.

The Purbeck Natural History Forum works with a group of partners